Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Don't worry...Wake up!!

You're lying in your bed. You open your eyes; a whole new day has come. And...your mind kicks off with some thoughts. So, what about those thoughts?!Have you ever thought about them; the thoughts that pop into your mind as you wake up every morning?! 
Well, I have and you know what I've found?! I've found that the first thing that comes to my mind as I wake up is worry. Every day, every morning I wake up & I'm worried. I'm worried about showing up late. I'm worried about not being good enough. I'm worried about failure, about myself getting disappointed. I'm worried about being fat or not being too healthy. I'm so worried that I'm afraid of getting off my bed.Simply, I'm worried.  
So,you must be thinking now how does it feel?! In no more than one word, awful. It feels AWFUL. It feels like you're being brutally hit & you're totally helpless. It feels like you've become a big fat disappointment yourself, although you're most probably not. It feels bad. And there's no doubt that those thoughts of worry hold me back from doing what I'm supposed to do. So, I totally know that those thoughts are complete life-demolishers & yet I keep them in my mind, you think I'm such an idiot, right?!
Well, maybe you were right but not any more because I hereby decide that this is gonna change; that there won't be worried thoughts any more. So, you must be thinking now "mmm...So what are you gonna do anyways?!". Well, I may not be able to stop them but I'm for-surely able to defeat them. And here comes a decision; from now on if I wake up in the morning worried that I can't, I'll rapidly think that I can,I'll give it a shot & Insha'Allah I'm gonna do it. From now on, if I wake up thinking that everything is a mess, I'll look at the bright side; I'm awake, I'm alive & even if things are messy, I'll fix them. From now, I'll wake up & think happy thoughts; I'll think about my mom, my friends, my family,a beautiful song or I'll even think about my favorite shirt. =)
Honestly speaking, I don't know if this would work but again, I'm gonna give it a shot and wake up.

May you all find happiness =)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Start Fresh!!

"So, this time I'm starting fresh. I mean it, I'm turning on a blank new leaf." That's what I keep telling myself whenever things go wrong & it seems like I've hit the rock bottom again.  I wake up the next morning willing to start fresh but things get messy again to ruin my fresh start so I decide on another fresh start but things keep getting messy until I get disappointed, decide to give up on trying & surrender to the status quo.
But here's the question, am I really starting fresh?! Is it a true fresh start?! Do my trials measure up to a true fresh start?! Do I really do what it takes to deserve another chance?! I don't know, well, I do know that some of my trials aren't hard enough, that I don't really fight for a decent start. I do know that the tiniest problems seem to me like huge obstacles that get me put my armor down & stop fighting procrastination.
So...Right here, right now, I decide to have a fresh start; a true one. I decide to wrestle my procrastinating fearful self. Yes, I don't know for sure if I'm going to win the fight or not but at least I'm gonna try and if it didn't work out this time...I'd  try again. If it didn't work out this time...I'd start fresh.
May you all find happiness =)